Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Thawing Mirror

The pond begins to pull back its curtains of snow and ice, revealing layers of mystery. It holds the sky and still-naked branches in its thawing mirror. With narrow fingers, the upside-down trees reach for last fall's leaves.

This afternoon I walked up to the pond in search of returning wood frogs, but all was silent. Soon, soon.

The photo was taken 3/10/10 at the pond at the top of my hill. Click on image to enlarge.


Unknown said...

I could gaze at this shot for hours. Escher's "Three worlds" comes to mind.

Christine said...

Thanks, Annie. I like the dizzy sensation of leaning into those reflections, poised between seasons and worlds.

Pam said...

I went out to listen for the peepers the other night-quiet, but, yes, soon.

Christine said...

Hi, Pam. I love the transition between seasons, the promise of green. We're all listening for spring's approach! I heard and saw a pair of pileated woodpeckers the other day, always a thrill.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you mentioned this photo to me today (and the anemones). I haven't been to your blog in awhile and now I know what I've missed! Thank you for a lovely day!

Christine said...

Hello, Mary Ann! So glad you visited the blog again! It was great to wander among the paintings and photographs, to sample lemon cake, and, best of all, to be with old friends. Thanks for that.