All this week
Poets House is holding its annual showcase of new poetry books in the Willa Cather Room of the Jefferson Market Library on Sixth Avenue at W. 10th Street, NYC. The organization's goal is to showcase every book of verse published in the U.S. in the past year. There are more than two thousand titles available for viewing through April 19th. My publisher,
Bitter Oleander Press, has sent along
A Cage of Transparent Words by Alberto Blanco,
Gold Carp Jack Fruit Mirrors by George Kalamaras, and
Stirring the Mirror, my new collection of prose poetry and flash fiction.
See the previous post for information about tomorrow's reading at Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh, NY.
The pod people pictured above are made from -- you guessed it -- pods, a strange pine cone, and vintage prints sealed with acrylic varnish.
Good luck tonight. And pod people no less. Is there no end to your talents? Break a line.
It was great fun for me. Very charming, professional people hosting, attentive audience, elegant posters and advertisement, flowers on tables, wonderful sound system, refreshments, and discussion. What more could you ask for? Oh yeah...one of my college roommates, a poet friend, and three surprise guests from my past!
Sounds perfect! What a day to carry a poem. I went to the city -- it was teeming with folks delighted to be outside in warm sun!
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