Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Piece by Piece

"Piece by piece I seem
to re-enter the world."
-- Adrienne Rich, from Necessities of Life

The photo was taken 12/2/11 at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation. Click on image to enlarge.


Unknown said...

Great shot. Love the sense of different worlds here, and also that sense of your view and mine.....

Christine said...

Thank you, Annie! I wish you a wonderful holiday season and a creative and happy 2012.

Michael said...

Hi Christine,

Once more I must comment on your images in both words and through the camera's lens: they are full of light and reveal wonderful new insights into seemingly ordinary subjects.

I am very familiar with this tree and the wetland beyond, yet you have captured a new dimension, a new view, and I see through your eyes a little more because of it. How pleasant!


Christine said...

Hello, Michael! Thanks so much for your generous words ... meaningful considering the source. I know you know this place very well. I always stop here and look and think; I never tire of that tree. I just read your latest essay the other day ... beautiful and perfectly timed ... will return to it.