Leaning from the steep slope (the chapter title)
I am becoming convinced that the world wants to tell me something, send me messages, signals, warnings.…
There are days when everything I see seems to me charged with meaning: messages it would be difficult for me to communicate to others, define, translate into words, but which for this very reason appear to me decisive. They are announcements or presages that concern me and the world at once: for my part, not only the external event of my existence but also what happens inside, in the depths of me; and for the world not some particular event but the general way of being of all things. You will understand therefore my difficulty in speaking about it, except by allusion.
-- Italo Calvino, translated from the Italian by William Weaver
The quote was taken from pages 52-53 of If on a winter's night a traveler by Italo Calvino, original copyright 1979, included in Everyman's Library in 1993. The photo was taken on 8/17/09, slightly uphill from my house. The tree is a black cherry, identified by the ever-helpful Michael Gambino, curator of Trailside Nature Museum at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation in Cross River, NY. Click on image to enlarge.
Beautiful! Perfect for this Sunday morning.
Thank you, Ann. In the following paragraph, he goes on to say: "Today I saw a hand thrust out of a window of the prison, toward the sea. I was walking on the seawall of the port, as is my habit, until I was just below the old fortress ...." That evolves in an intriguing and mysterious way, too. I'm looking forward to a total, sequential read of the book!
Love the sense that the messages you have seen already are like parts of a mosaic or a jigsaw not able to be made sense of yet.
The pieces will shift into place, in their own time. Thanks for visiting!
Yet another wonderful reminder that there are greater forces out there and we take our messages as they come. The photo brought a very big smile to my face.
Yet another wonderful reminder that there are greater forces out there and we take our messages as they come. The photo brought a very big smile to my face.
True. Thanks, Deborah. (It looks like your invisible twin left the same comment.) And I'm glad the photo made you smile!
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