The latest issue of
Snow*Vigate, an online journal edited by Doug Martin, is now out. I am so pleased to have a couple of prose poems, "Wingless" and "Borrowed Mirror," as well as the above collage, "Giant and Ear," in this second collection of writing and art. According to the editor's blog,
Snow*Vigate is "interested in publishing poetry, flash fiction and drama, non-fiction, short essays on critical theory, prosody, and poetics. We want to see genres coming together and huddling in a blizzard to keep warm. We want to see verbs slapping the hell out of lazy nouns. We want to see God's syntax in snow. The unconscious is sexy. So are the tails of barnbirds, I am told...."
Just click on the above link to read new work by Joanna Howard, Mark Tursi, Robert Lopez, Peter Conners, Ann Panning, Daniel Grandbois, Matthew Brennan, George Looney, Jared Sexton, Jessica Dyer, Robert S. King, Corey Zeller, Daphne Butler, Christopher Barnes, Rebecca Eggleston, Sarah Long, and Derek White. There is also a review of Anthony Tognazzini by Doug Martin, as well as a conversation with Cooper (Esteban) Renner by Brian Beatty and Doug Martin. And lots of intriguing art!
I wish you all a wonderful holiday season!
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